Bhopal Lake Meditation

Dear Friends,

It is a great pleasure for me to post this video that we taped in Bhopal Lake. It was real Summer day on the cool water of the lake. It was an improvised video and we decided not to post it, but seeing the fires in Catalonia, Spain, and the rest of Europe I meditated and said this video is what is required now for everyone. The fires represent our inner anger, fury, stress, disappointment. Frustration. Let us change with inner love, acceptance, inner joy, inner happiness and peace. All climates have pros and cons, but if we change our thoughts and accept ourselves and our circumstances life will be like a cosmic dance. Meditate every day 5 minutes for the planet earth. Send good vibrations to nature and unconditional love from your heart and soul. I hope you enjoy the video and that it helps you and the planet earth. It is a little drop in the huge ocean.
With love and thanks to all
Om Shanthi

With love to all

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