Seminar 4th March 2023

Good night family
Today 4th March 2023 is a special day Our Seminar went so well. Both in the morning and evening. We really started lifting our frequencies and vibrations to match with Mother Earth. We started with transfusion Spiritual with all beautiful thoughts and positive affirmation, Each Chakra to cleanse and lift the vibrations, totally Grounding a new techniques, special breathing techniques from Brahma Shastra, regeneration also designed for 2023, new codes from other Dimension, Yoga Nidra with new versions, Healing techniques very special. Finally Astrological way we could upgrade our book of destiny. For me it is COMPLETE SEMINAR. I am grateful for all those who trust me and attended the Seminar and changed the bio chemistry. Every time you learn you are upgrading your Neurons. We all are surely increasing our telemores.We are young, eternal.
Thanks a million to everyone. We are now better and we will make this planet a beautiful place with greenery, love, healed, integrated, harmony, happy, Peace.
Love and blessings to you all always ❤️


Dear Mother & Guruji. Yesterday we were very lucky to enjoy one more seminar with You. Your careful planning, wise adjusting to our ever-changing needs and unbeatable performance led to another best ever seminar. Ours souls flew on the wings of a new set of stunning techniques and insightful meditations, only You can do that, thank you 🙇🏻🙏🕉️

You are the Master, and we are the disciples, so we try to follow your instructions very carefully. However, you also teach us to break the rules and venture into the unknown. This time I dared to play with the techniques, tried to improvise and combine them, experiment with the outcome, and I happened to just love it. You don’t just keep expanding our limits, or push us beyond them, you make us better by learning to go out of linear, pre-set paths and create new ways. That creativity opens new horizons to us, going deeper and deeper into the endless possibilities of the quantum field.

But the best was yet to come. Short before the end of the seminar, Yoga Nigra meditation came along. This meditation usually is a box full of surprises, my experience yesterday just keeps enlarging its legend. Right at the beginning I lost all perceptions about my physical body. Instead, I saw all my cells (and there are trillions of them) replaced by little OM symbols. In other words, my being in the quantum field. For the first time, it wasn’t a flash, I stayed liked that. In that state, you don’t feel either your body or even the need to feel it. You feel capable of anything, invulnerable to Evil, closer to God, in plenitude. After Yoga Nidra, it was time for the Self-Healing Meditation to close the seminar. Still in the quantum realm, self-healing took another meaning and dimension.

All in one, UNBELIVABLE … but real. As a biologist, I’m a declared fan of human body physiology, but our quantum dimension makes our about perfect physiology look small, almost petty.

The better we are, the better the world will be. So, our progress also translates into a new hope for our beloved planet. About Earth, I could see again that soothing image of a planet fully covered in blue (oceans) and green (emerged land), no more deserts or waste lands, but fertile, reasonably wet and abundant nature 🕉️🌍🌏🌎☮️

As you always do, you emptied yourself giving it all and more to us. Now please take care of yourself, treat your inner being, rest and enjoy knowing you did it again, BEST-ever seminar. CONGRATULATIONS 🙇🏻👏🥇

I can’t imagine a better way to start 2023 than a seminar like yesterday. Please never stop the magic. Thank you from heart and soul. Please convey my gratitude to all the cosmic forces that, upon your call, came to help. Athma Namaskar 🙏🙏🕉️❤️💛

Dear Maa,
Thank you for a fantastic Seminar. It was deep work, and I feel it is a turning point. Thank you ❤️❤️

Dear Maa, thank you from my heart and soul.
This seminar was very deep, every second and every monent was full of wisdom, light and love.

-Anna Sper
Congratulations Maa. Many many thank yous.

It was wonderful to be with you. So open and down to earth. Serious big work with big heart. No big doctors games Lots of love.

Dear Maa, thanks for another great Seminar!
A very big challenge and work but what a great opportunity!!!
Congratulations for the big success!
With all my love 💓

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