At this time of year when we make the transition from spring to summer, we need to learn to balance the body’s energy and metabolism in order to enjoy life, especially our holidays. Improving our health and increasing our power allows us to contribute effectively to the improvement of our planet.

When we learn to accept and practice these techniques, we will find that they are an important investment, one that helps us tune and align ourselves with the frequency of the planet Earth.

This seminar prepares us physically, mentally and spiritually for the success of an important year, the year of our transmutation to a higher consciousness.

Date: June 16, 2018
Time: 10:30 AM – 2:30 and 4:30-9:00 PM
Location: Hotel HCC Lugano, Av. Paralelo, 172, Barcelona
Price: 150 euros
Please confirm before June 14 at 93-412-6054 or 658-876-779






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