Good night Miracles Manifesting night

Today Seminar went very well From beginning until the end it went very well. I feel very happy, proud to really keep learning, evolving, raising the Frequency and vibrations to higher level. To break old limited beliefs. It is Very big success at all levels. To see the Aura of each of you and  energy levels change and be so Coherent. I am grateful to Universe and to everyone who trusts me and allow me to help. Today light was with us and we continue with this Universal light in Quantum field Please continue with this high Frequency tomorrow and allow healing to take place.

Thanks to all.

I love each of you and want the best for all of you.

Please listen to inner voice and forget the exterior influences.



Dear Mother and Guruji,

You are always challenging us to meet our limits and reach beyond them, what a wonderful habit you have. Yesterday we were granted another best ever Seminar, seasoned with more once-in-a-lifetime spiritual experiences so far. You are the BEST.

With your permission, I’d like to share some experiences in case they help others find new ways through:

• The first thing we learnt is a simple mudra, capable of bringing calm to us in moments of stress. As easy as effective.

• During the Regeneration Meditation in the quantum field, I could experience for the first time in my life the connection with the frequency of the Creator. I felt all my cells vibrating. Pure Magic.

• Later on in the same meditation, I could understand the interdimensional connection between the divine cell and its youth gene and the stem cells in our physical body. When Magic turns into healing.

• Magic was all around, all the time. During the Brain-Heart Coherence meditation I felt floating in an endless ocean of love. Another first for me.

• Later on, at the beginning of another quantum meditation, You requested us to connect with our inner being and use his/her wings. I’ve been dreaming about flying my entire life … yesterday my dream came true. Knowing you always want us to break limits and boundaries, I flew beyond Earth into the deep space. Gained speed and crossed into the quantum field. I finally started to understand how my hero Jonathan Livingstone Seagull must have felt. What a fulfilling experience. Yet another first.

• Once in the quantum field, we could interact with the highest energies, like Lord Dhanvantari and the celestial doctors, healing ourselves and the planet.

• One last example. We could activate the pineal gland by acting on it with an indigo blue light. Guess what? … yeah, another first.

As always, it is now our turn to be up to your teachings and practice to master so many wonderful techniques.

You did it … again. You referred to the seminar as being high level … well … to me, highest so far. I felt overtaken by the magic You were conveying to us from the first till the last minute, and still.

It was also wonderful to witness how everyone was following and growing throughout the day. We evolved as one. I’d like to encourage you all to share your own experiences so this way we enrich each other.

I love the spiritual roller coaster seminars have become, I can’t get enough of it, let’s keep it up.

Please convey my gratitude to all the cosmic beings that also helped, especially Lord Dhanvantari and the celestial doctors.

Thank You from heart and soul. Beyond my dear son, You are the best that has ever happened to me. Atma namaskar.

With all my Love and Gratitude,

JR 🙏🙏🕉️🕉️❤️❤️💛💛


Thanks Javier

Giving a summary of Seminar. Each Seminar is my passion I write down names of each person participating  channelize with everyone and prepare for Seminar Yes This feedback is my treasure It is my gift It is complete

Yes beginning with simple mudra to shift from nervousness to calmness

2. Regeneration Meditation We raised our frequencies and vibrations 3. Yes fantastic to awake youth genes

4. Heart-brain is my specialty to bring UNCONDITIONAL LOVE all around ❤

5. Quantum Meditation you flew and I saw everyone flying It was 3 D reality

6 Dhanavantri and all celestial beings were present to heal

7.Activate pineal gland is to go to Ecstatic state

8. In Yoga nidra OM was covered in room and all your cells were OM

9. Everyone could re-write Life book of destiny

I promised to go to Higher level and I did it with help of all the Cosmic forces

I am grateful to you has a disciple writing and sharing your experience I will print out and keep has my gift

Thanks Dhanyavad


Dear Maa,

Thank you for taking us beyond this Seminar. Another great growth opportunity. A big shift and a big jump forward. No words to thank you for everything you do for us and the Planet. Thank you from Heart and Soul. M


Dearest Maa— thank you for  your  amazing  work  not of this earth. This was something else. Way  beyond what we know. And you do it so naturally, with such ease. Bless you. Tons of love. AS


I am seeing with new eyes! BH

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