Happy Shivarathri to all

Inspite all the chaos in the outer world we all could disconnect and concentrate on our inner world. We changed our frequencies and vibrations. We could be with our heart Centre, love and compassion and with devotion to do our prayers and we could go step by step to reach a magic moment to uplift. I was in Cloud nine or another highest dimension There was no body no ego no one no time

It was MAGIC. I felt so vibrant I had to request the higher forces to calm me down. It was Ectasy or bliss

Meditation was powerful.

We had fusión food South Indian and North Indian. It was very spicy for my Barcelona family but I enjoyed after fasting complete day and after such a powerful puja It was Nostalgia remembering my mother’s preparation.

It was all very Coherent and united It was blessings I wish everyone can see what I see.

I am happy and dancing because Shiva Parvati, Vishnu Lakshmi, Brahma Saraswathi and all other LIGHT is with us. Hanuman is helping the planet in the moment health and Peace. We need His Force now. I am confident this dark period will end and good period starts. Because I  did very good Shanthi puja with NAVGRAHA OR NINE PLANETS.

Love and blessings to you all always ❤


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