Seminar for the Awakening of Consciousnes 1.11.2020

Day and Time: January 11, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Place: Hotel HCC Lugano, Av. Paralelo, 172 – 08015 Barcelona
Price: € 150
Confirm before January 8 to the telephones 93 412 60 54 or 658 816 779

2020 is a very important year, and according to Vedic astrology, January 11 is a very special day. This is the year of transfiguration and transformation, the awakening of our consciousness on a global scale. It is also the year in which we will see the end of evil and the advent of white light.
Since the frequency and vibration of the planet is changing, the time has come to connect with infinite intelligence. Taking advantage of the beginning of this special year, we will heal our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, and synchronize them with the frequency of the Earth. We will tune into infinite intelligence.

I hope to see you all there!

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