On 6th October 2021 was very powerful and really very important for me and everyone In 22 months of Zoom At least to see participants in presence is very important I think we all should really have such moments together Ofcourse Alimentación Consciousness or Food Awareness is basic. We are what we eat. I thank each of you who were
The Seminar was one of the Best ones and very powerful Throughout the entire session morning and evening we felt the big changes This is real spiritual transformation Neurons which fire and wire together will be given new information and this will heal each one deeply Everyone felt connected with Infinite light and Mother Earth All Sessions were special The
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of my clinical practice in Barcelona, I will offer a special transformational seminar, based on my personal experience with each and every one of you. LET’S SAY GOODBY TO THIS DARK TIME AND OPEN OURSELVES TO THE LIGHT! June 17, 2021 10:30-3:00 The seminar will be presented on ZOOM. To obtain the link, please
Quantum Transformation Refuel yourself with a new dose of optimism, enthusiasm and empowerment to live well. This is a special day to change our way of thinking for a new purpose in life with enthusiasm and dynamism. Let us take control of our emotions and sentiments, especially in the present situation. We can raise our frequency and vibrations to transform
Day and Time: January 11, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Place: Hotel HCC Lugano, Av. Paralelo, 172 – 08015 Barcelona Price: € 150 Confirm before January 8 to the telephones 93 412 60 54 or 658 816 779 2020 is a very important year, and according to Vedic astrology, January 11
At this time of year when we make the transition from spring to summer, we need to learn to balance the body’s energy and metabolism in order to enjoy life, especially our holidays. Improving our health and increasing our power allows us to contribute effectively to the improvement of our planet. When we learn to accept and practice these techniques,
¡QUERIDOS AMIGOS/AS! ¡SALUDOS CARIÑOSOS! ¡ESTOY MUY CONTENTA DE ANUNCIAR UN FANTÁSTICO SEMINARIO! ¡NO OS RINDÁIS NUNCA! Con la llegada de un nuevo año, se nos presenta la oportunidad de consolidar todo el aprendizaje acumulado y cristalizarlo en una verdadera transformación espiritual. Nuestra transformación individual sienta las bases para la transformación y sanación del planeta. Practicaremos técnicas para ayudarte a tener
Dr. Mohanambal’s upcoming seminar for light and transformation will be on Saturday, January 7, 2017 download pdf
Día: 1 de octubre de 2016 Horario: 10:30H a 14:30H y de 16:30 a 21:00H Lugar: Hotel HCC Open, C/ Diputació, nº100, 08015 BCN Precio: 150 € (in Spanish)
2016 Year of Spiritual Transformation A seminar by Dr. S. Mohanambal (In Spanish) January 9, 2016 10:30 – 14:30H & 4:30 to 9:00 Hotel HCC Open, C/ Diputació, nº100, 08015 BCN 93.412.60.54 150 € bajar pdf
SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 HOTEL HCC OPEN c/Diputacion, 100 Barcelona 150 euros download program
Día: 3 de enero de 2015 Horario: 10:30 a 14:30 y de 16:30 a 21:00 Lugar: Hotel HCC OPEN Diputació, 100 08015 Barcelona Tel.: 93 412 60 54 Precio: 150 Euros To reserve:
Be a Total Human Being Prosperity Yoga September 27, 2014 This is a very important moment with many changes in the world before we enter the Golden Era. We live with conflict and polarization – the bad and good, white and black, darkness and light fight in each of us. This is a time for regeneration, rejuvenation and resurrection. Ayurveda