Happy Shivarathri to all Inspite all the chaos in the outer world we all could disconnect and concentrate on our inner world. We changed our frequencies and vibrations. We could be with our heart Centre, love and compassion and with devotion to do our prayers and we could go step by step to reach a magic moment to uplift. I
2022 The Year of Miracles January 22, 2022, from 10:30 to 14:30, and from 4:30 to 9:00 The seminar will be presented on Zoom +info Today 22.01.2022 the Seminar was big success We did a lot of work healing our past traumas, blocks and fears. We went to different dimensions cleansing and clearing old blocks and negativity. Also some
The Seminar was one of the Best ones and very powerful Throughout the entire session morning and evening we felt the big changes This is real spiritual transformation Neurons which fire and wire together will be given new information and this will heal each one deeply Everyone felt connected with Infinite light and Mother Earth All Sessions were special The
A presentation in Spanish by Dr. S. Mohanambal November 2 at 13:00 CET CONNECT HERE!
With the change of climate in autumn, our body undergoes physical changes, as well as our mental state, emotions and spirit. The planet is immersed in a great process of transformation, and it is necessary to be conscious of our own changes. We need to connect with our inner light and to be aware of our mission in this life.
Una conferencia organizada por Taller de Espiritualidad. https://tallerdeespiritualidad.es/ Ronda Barcelona
On 6th October 2021 was very powerful and really very important for me and everyone In 22 months of Zoom At least to see participants in presence is very important I think we all should really have such moments together Ofcourse Alimentación Consciousness or Food Awareness is basic. We are what we eat. I thank each of you who were
The Seminar was one of the Best ones and very powerful Throughout the entire session morning and evening we felt the big changes This is real spiritual transformation Neurons which fire and wire together will be given new information and this will heal each one deeply Everyone felt connected with Infinite light and Mother Earth All Sessions were special The
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of my clinical practice in Barcelona, I will offer a special transformational seminar, based on my personal experience with each and every one of you. LET’S SAY GOODBY TO THIS DARK TIME AND OPEN OURSELVES TO THE LIGHT! June 17, 2021 10:30-3:00 The seminar will be presented on ZOOM. To obtain the link, please
On Friday, April 23, the Catalan Dia de Sant Jordi, we will be launching part III of Didi/MAA’s novel, “The Goddess Returns”.
Shivarathri Celebration in Barcelona temple through Zoom connected with all around the globe On 11th March 2021 we performed Shivarathri puja with friends and family in Barcelona All our families from India, Hong Kong, China, London and USA joined us We saw how the energy Frequency changed We are electro magnetic beings When we all become One with Infinite and
Quantum Transformation Refuel yourself with a new dose of optimism, enthusiasm and empowerment to live well. This is a special day to change our way of thinking for a new purpose in life with enthusiasm and dynamism. Let us take control of our emotions and sentiments, especially in the present situation. We can raise our frequency and vibrations to transform
Happy Deepawali 2020! New energy and new frequency for the planet! Deepawali is the Festival of Light, and the world celebrates the victory of light over darkness, of love over discord, and healing energy is sent to everyone. Live from the center of Barcelona we made a virtual connection to a special pooja with Didi/MAA November 14, 2020
Happy Mother Earth day 22nd April Today let us all in Collective Meditation Say Thanks to Mother Earth both morning and evening, for holding us, caring us Let us plant a seed of Love, kindness, compassion, harmony, integration, Oneness and ask Her to forgive us. We will really water Her or the plants that really are our saviour and protectors.
Join with me to meditate for strengthening your immune system and staying positive and joyful. If you Meditate everyday feeling that your Immune system is stronger and feeling health and well being in the physical body, mental and emotional body. Tune with the Creator who gave you life. Trillions of cells are working together. With Conviction, feel that your prayer is
Day and Time: January 11, 2020 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Place: Hotel HCC Lugano, Av. Paralelo, 172 – 08015 Barcelona Price: € 150 Confirm before January 8 to the telephones 93 412 60 54 or 658 816 779 2020 is a very important year, and according to Vedic astrology, January 11
DEEPAWALI 2019 Goodevening! Today is the day of Deepawali, the Festival of Light. I see Love, Kindness, Compassion and forgive all ignorance. I speak only of positive things and power inside me and on Planet Earth. Every year we do a meditation for Peace and I enjoy it very much, with all your hearts and your souls we send Peace
Dear Friends, It is a great pleasure for me to post this video that we taped in Bhopal Lake. It was real Summer day on the cool water of the lake. It was an improvised video and we decided not to post it, but seeing the fires in Catalonia, Spain, and the rest of Europe I meditated and said this